Lesson Plans
I am certified to teach visual art, English, social studies, and work as a school counselor. I am also currently pursuing my ESL (English as a Second Language) Endorsement In my many years of teaching, I have taught over 15 different instructional class types. Below you will find example lesson plans for a few of those courses. At the bottom of the page, you will find sample materials such as a syllabus and a list of sketchbook prompts.
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General Visual Art and Media Specific Lesson Plans
Palette Knife and Relief Painting
This lesson will test students' ability to manipulate and emulate both visual and physical textures. Students will create a by first building up the surface with different media to create a relief. Using palette knives, students will then paint composition on the surface that utilizes the relief structure. The final result will be a concise image with both implied and real textures.
Students will be assessed by their creative incorporation of relief in the art piece. Students must independently choose another item to add even more relief to the work. They will be assessed not only on the resulting image but by their use of palette knife texture techniques and color mixing.
Wire and Chipboard Self-Portraits
Students will explore three-dimensional art by creating a self-portrait sculpture using wire, chipboard, and papier-mache. Students will construct a bust using multi-media and then paint the surface using either a warm or cool color palette.
This is the perfect sculpture exercise for low-budget sculptural exploration.
Both summative and formative assessments will be conducted on students' ability to manipulate and use the three-dimensional media in this exercise. This lesson serves as an assessment of students' ability to view and portray the human figure in a three-dimensional format.
Newspaper Drawings
This lesson allows students to participate in a cross-curricular drawing assignment that uses both technologies and reinforces ideas of sustainability and recycling. Students will learn about recycling efforts, write a short paper on the topic and then create art from recycled materials. Their line portraits will be made in the newspaper and used in a large-scale mural to promote Earth Day and sustainability.
This project will consist of several formative and summative assessment criteria. Students will be expected to conduct research, write a short paper, digitally manipulate photography, and then use that to create a high contrast line drawing
Chuck Close Portraits
This lesson incorporates the style of contemporary artist Chuck Close in the students' own self-portraits. Students will emulate Close's style by creating a grid and then using a system of shapes, patterns, and colors to build a figure. Designed to be completed in colored pencil, but can easily be adapted to other media types.
This lesson would serve as a summative assessment for a unit on colored pencils in a typical drawing course. (Again, assessment could be altered based on other media types.) It utilizes several facets of both the elements of art and principles of design. Additionally, it calls for students to carefully plan out their composition and color palette to ensure success.
Digital/Computer Art & Photography Lesson Plans
Digital Water Globe Design
For this project, students will use their creativity and Photoshop skills to design their own digital water globe. The globe must revolve around a theme, including the illusion of water and falling "glitter" or snow, and fulfill prompted tasks. A rubric, reference images, and lesson prompt are included with the lesson plan.
This project will act as a summative assessment for a unit on Photoshop Skill-Building. Students would have been learning tools and techniques associated with Photoshop according to direct tutorials given by the teacher. This project will test their competency and skill over the content while allowing them some freedom of choice in the design.
6 Word Visual Story
This project incorporates literature and writing with photography and digital art. Students will read, review and take inspiration from Ernest Hemingway's infamous 6 Word Story, “For sale: baby shoes, never worn”. Students will write their own memoir using only six words. Students will use cameras to shoot 6 photos illustrating their memoirs.
Students will be assessed through their discussion of Hemingway's piece and their creative writing skills and effort used to write their own "6 Word Memoir" will be taken into account. The completion of their "illustrated" or visual display of the personal memoir will account for their understanding of emotion and expression in art.
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