Engagement & After School Programming
General Overview
I greatly support the concept of democratic schooling and involving each of our stakeholders in the development and models of our school as much as possible. This includes not only teachers, staff, and students but also their families and the community. Only through these partnerships can we truly offer enriching educational experiences.
I believe it is instrumental that we do a better job connecting with our families, providing services for them, and engaging community members in the projects we propose at the school. Together we can create better experiences for our students at home, on campus, and in their future careers.
After School Leadership
• FAC (Faculty Advisory Council) Elected position for faculty representation amongst school administration – 2019-2020, Lexington, KY
• SBDM (Site-based Decision Making) Committee Member – 2015-2017, Paris, KY
• STLP (Student Technology Leadership Program) Coordinator - 2017-Present, Lexington, KY
• Student Voice Team Sponsor - 2021-Present, Lexington, KY
• AOK (Acts of Kindness) Club Sponsor - 2018-Present, Lexington, KY
• Photography Club Sponsor - 2017-Present, Lexington, KY
• Technology Committee Member - 2017-Present, Lexington, KY
• PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions & Strategies) Committee Member- 2017-Present, Lexington, KY
• Archery Coach - 2015-2020, Kentucky
• Assistant Tennis Coach - 2016-2017, Paris, KY
• Art Therapy Group for Girls Leader - 2017-2019, Lexington, KY
• PLC Leader for Art 1, Media Arts, and Photography - 2017-Present, Lexington, KY
Professional Development
• Innovations for Learning Conference
• FCPS Media Arts PLC
• Equity Committee Member & PD Training
• AP Art History training
• PBL (Project-Based Learning) training
• Adobe Certified Associate Training & Certifications
• Google Certification Levels 1 & 2
• Apple Teacher Certifications
• Kentucky Historical Society history seminars
• Creative Writing Seminars
• Social Justice and Leadership
• CTE (Career & Technical Education) Trainings
• KET Seminars
• Art practices / techniques
• Art instructional planning
• Art technology training
• PBIS training
• Suicide Prevention Training
• Trauma Informed Care
• A variety of classroom management seminars
• Standards Based Grading training
• Assessment Design seminars
• STEAM Programming
• Central Ky Education Cooperative (CKEC) training

Some Suggestions I Am Working On In My Current Position:
• Teacher ELL Training - A school-initiated training in working with ELL students, on utilizing different ELL resources, on connecting with ELL families, or in non-verbal communication methods would all be beneficial for many of the educators at Lafayette.
• Family and Community Education - To start in a way that would better serve Lafayette’s families, it is suggested that a single course initially be developed, English as a Second Language (ESL) for native Spanish-speakers.
• Curricular & Professional Enhancement for Students & Teachers - Specialized summer programming and experiences for ELL students in their home language that can also serve as professional development opportunities for teachers.
• Digital Translation Services & Resources - Another proposal of school-community collaboration would involve building a website for teachers and adding additional web pages to the main school site specifically for families that are English Language Learners (ELL) or those that are not comfortable communicating in English.
• Forming A Community Engagement Plan - None of this will be as successful without a school-wide engagement outline/plan developed by faculty, staff, students, their families, and the community to better assist one another and see the Lafayette area and its people grow.
To see the School Community Action Plan presentation for LHS that I created, please click the link here.
Developing A Relationship With Parents
Even though teachers often spend more waking hours with their students than the child's actual parents or guardians do, parents or guardians still play an influential role in the child's life. It is important to involve parents or guardians into the child's school life. Teachers and parents, working as a collaborative team, can truly further a child's success.
I also developed a thorough behavior contract as a KTIP requirement. You can view the contract here.
Here are just a few ideas I have for involving parents with the art classroom:
• "Capture Their Child Creating," by snapping a photo of their child working successfully in the art room. Write a short compliment on the printed photograph and send it home to the parents, describing their child's progress in the subject.
• At the beginning of the school year, send a note home introducing yourself and welcoming the parents to the new school year. Also provide contact information and emphasize that parents should not hesitate to contact you in case of any concerns or questions.
• Host an annual student art show, allowing parents and guardians to view student work, see their progress in the curriculum and talk one-on-one with teachers. I actually just held an Art Show and Carnival on April 25, 2014 at Paris Independent Schools. We had a wonderful turn-out and were to expose all students at the school (even those not enrolled in arts courses) to the arts via the carnival concept. For more information, please ask me. I would love to discuss this exciting event!
Accommodating All Abilities
It is my personal goal to see all of my students - regardless of the needed accommodations - succeed in art. Whether the student is gifted, on the Autism spectrum, or blind, the art room offers them extensive learning opportunities. The arts increase a child’s capacity to learn in other academic areas, particularly in reading, writing and verbal communication.
Working With ESL Students
There are plenty of ways to use art as a vehicle to teach English within the classroom. The visual arts allow for ample exercises that enrich student vocabulary and literacy without seemingly tedious repetition and paperwork. Artistic assignments allow for students to learn by what they see and associate. Additionally, these projects let students work amongst their peers with less language inhibitors.
SEL (Social Emotional Learning) & Therapy
My Master's is in school counseling and I am passionate about helping students feel positive and cope with the stresses of school and life. Throughout my career I have worked with after school programs as a counselor and mentor with youth in a variety of areas: suicide prevention, eating disorders, body and self image, bullying/harassment, LGBTQIA+ issues, trauma, and academic stressors.
I believe it is integral that we ensure students have good mental health and easy access to help when they need it. Only then can they truly focus on learning and growing within the school. In the past year I have done a lot of work with students through SEL and art therapy and believe that implementing more of these procedures and activities could greatly benefit schools.
Technology Integration
Without question, technology is a pivotal part of modern education. Today's students have grown up with computers, cellphones, digital cameras, mp3 players and other technology all around them. I feel it is important to make connections between these outside interests and the art room. Using technology in the classroom raises student interest, promotes class participation, teaches new skills, and introduces careers in the digital arts.
Technology also allows for the incorporation of new techniques in art such as digital artwork and illustration, digital photography, and animation. Additionally, students can photograph their artwork and create digital portfolios to share with peers, their family, and at functions such as parent-teacher meetings.
The possibilities with technology are endless. As an educator, I will work to continually incorporate new and innovative technology techniques in the art room and beyond.